Recent & Upcoming Talks


Design Principles of Data Analysis

The data revolution has sparked greater interest in data analysis practices. While much attention has been given to statistical thinking, another type of complementary thinking that appears in data analysis is design thinking – a problem-solving approach focused on understanding the intended users of a product. When facing a problem, differences arise in how data analysts construct data analyses, including choices in methods, tools, and workflows. These choices impact the analysis outputs and user experience. Therefore, a data analyst’s role can be seen as designing the analysis with specific principles. This webinar will introduce six design principles for data analysis and describe how they can be mapped to data analyses in a quantitative and informative manner. We also provide empirical evidence of variation of these principles within and between data analysts. This will hopefully provide guidance for future work in characterizing the data analytic process.

October 30, 2023

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

ASA Section on Teaching Statistics in Health Sciences Webinar Series 2023

By Lucy D'Agostino McGowan in Invited Oral Presentation


The ‘why’ behind including ‘Y’ in your imputation model

Missing data is a common challenge when analyzing epidemiological data, and imputation is often used to address this issue. In this talk, we investigate the scenario where covariates used in an analysis have missingness and will be imputed. There are recommendations to include the ultimate outcome in the imputation model for missing covariates, but it’s not necessarily clear when this recommendation holds and why this is true. We examine deterministic imputation (i.e., single imputation where the imputed values are treated as fixed) and stochastic imputation (i.e., single imputation with a random value or multiple imputation) methods and their implications for estimating the relationship between the imputed covariate and the outcome. We mathematically demonstrate that including the outcome variable in imputation models is not just a recommendation but a requirement to achieve unbiased results when using stochastic imputation methods. Moreover, we dispel common misconceptions about deterministic imputation models and demonstrate why the outcome should not be included in these models. This talk aims to bridge the gap between imputation in theory and practice, providing mathematical derivations to explain common statistical recommendations. We offer a better understanding of the considerations involved in imputing missing covariates and emphasize when it is necessary to include the outcome variable in the imputation model.

Causal Quartet: When statistics alone do not tell the full story

This talk will delve into two major causal inference obstacles: (1) identifying which variables to account for and (2) assessing the impact of unmeasured variables. The first half of the talk will showcase a Causal Quartet. In the spirit of Anscombe’s Quartet, this is a set of four datasets with identical statistical properties, yet different true causal effects due to differing data generating mechanisms. These simple datasets provide a straightforward example for statisticians to point to when explaining these concepts to collaborators and students. The second half of the talk will focus on how statistical techniques can be leveraged to examine the impact of a potential unmeasured confounder. We will examine sensitivity analyses under several scenarios with varying levels of information about potential unmeasured confounders, introducing the tipr R package, which provides tools for conducting sensitivity analyses in a flexible and accessible manner.

Estimating causal effects: this be madness, yet there is method in it

This talk will delve into two major causal inference obstacles: (1) identifying which variables to account for and (2) assessing the impact of unmeasured variables. The first half of the talk will showcase a Causal Quartet. In the spirit of Anscombe’s Quartet, this is a set of four datasets with identical statistical properties, yet different true causal effects due to differing data generating mechanisms. These simple datasets provide a straightforward example for statisticians to point to when explaining these concepts to collaborators and students. To adjust or not adjust, that is the question; we demonstrate that statistics alone cannot be used to establish which variables to adjust for when estimating causal effects. The second half of the talk will focus on how statistical techniques can be leveraged to address unmeasured confounding. We will examine sensitivity analyses under several scenarios with varying levels of information about potential unmeasured confounders. These techniques will be applied using the tipr R package, which provides tools for conducting sensitivity analyses in a flexible and accessible manner.

Causal Inference in R

In this workshop, we’ll teach the essential elements of answering causal questions in R through causal diagrams, and causal modeling techniques such as propensity scores and inverse probability weighting.

July 11 – 14, 2023

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

New York R Conference 2021

By Lucy D'Agostino McGowan and Malcolm Barrett in Invited Workshop


Causal Inference is not a statistics problem

In this session, Dr. Lucy D’Agostino McGowan will discuss some of the major challenges in causal inference, and why statistical tools alone cannot uncover the data-generating mechanism when attempting to answer causal questions. As part of this talk, Lucy will showcase the Causal Quartet, which consists of four datasets that have the same statistical properties, but different true causal effects due to different ways in which the data was generated. These examples illustrate the limitations of relying solely on statistical tools in data analyses and highlight the crucial role of domain-specific knowledge.

Causal Inference is not just a statistics problem

This lecture will explore two major challenges in causal inference: (1) how to determine which variables to adjust for and (2) how to assess the impact of unmeasured variables. The first half of the talk will showcase the Causal Quartet, which consists of four datasets that have the same statistical properties, but different true causal effects due to different ways in which the data was generated. Then we will discuss sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounders, showcasing the tipr R package.

Causal Inference Challenges that Go Beyond Statistics

This talk will delve into two major causal inference obstacles: (1) identifying which variables to account for and (2) assessing the impact of unmeasured variables. The first half of the talk will showcase a Causal Quartet. In the spirit of Anscombe’s Quartet, this is a set of four datasets with identical statistical properties, yet different true causal effects due to differing data generating mechanisms. These simple datasets provide a straightforward example for biostatisticians to point to when explaining these concepts to collaborators and students. Here, statistics can’t solve your causal inference problem because statistics alone cannot be used to establish which variables to adjust for when estimating causal effects. Statistics can help us explore the impact of unmeasured variables. The second half of the talk will focus on how statistical techniques can be leveraged to address unmeasured confounding. We will examine sensitivity analyses under several scenarios with varying levels of information about potential unmeasured confounders. These techniques will be applied using the tipr R package, which provides tools for conducting sensitivity analyses in a flexible and accessible manner.

April 10, 2023

12:15 PM – 1:15 PM

Johns Hopkins Department of Biostatistics Seminar Spring 2023

By Lucy D'Agostino McGowan in Invited Oral Presentation


The Science of ChatGPT

A panel of faculty experts on machine learning, language learning, neurobiology, and philosophy of mind help us understand how ChatGPT and large language models work.

April 4, 2023

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

WFU CAT ChatGPT Learning Series 2023

By Amanda Corris, Lucy D'Agostino McGowan, Justin Esarey, Jerid Francom, Dwayne Godwin, Jed Macosko in Invited Panel